True Love Story Of Nicole Kidman After Divorce

Nicole Kidman love story & broken heart

We know Nicole Kidman as a great actress and producer. According to TIME MAGAZINE Nicole is the highest-paid actress in the world. So without talking much about her Hollywood life. Let’s talk about her love life. Here are Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban love story. We already know that Nicole took divorce after 10 years of relationship. When she was in heartbroken trauma. Keith Urban entered in her life as a lover cum healer. But now the happy couple is an example in Hollywood. They now manage every up and down romantically.

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 Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban love story.

How Nicole Kidman Met Her True Love Keith Urban?

It was 2005 when Nicole was suffering from mental trauma. She had just finished her relationship with Johny Depp. Nicole and Johnny took a divorce and separated forever. In that tuf moment, Nicole met Keith Urban.

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Actually Nicole met Keith in 2005 at a USA GALA DAY Celebration. It was like love at first sight for Nicole. She fell in love with Keith Urban instantly. But Keith did not notice Nicole. In fact, after beginning talk, Keith did not call Nicole for four months approx.

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And The Love Story Of Nicole-Keith Began

Actually Keith Urban did not want to ignore Nicole. One of Keith’s friends gave him mobile no of Nicole. But somewhere Keith was missing the confidence to talk to such a famous actress. Keith was thinking like what if I call Nicole and she did not respond.

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Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban Love Story

Anyway, he gathered courage and called Nicole. And Keith got amazing response. Nicole started talking to him. After that, they never stopped talking. Now they became a power couple of Hollywood. In this way, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban love story began.

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Nicole Kidman Marriage In 2006

The pair did not waste much time in dating. After dating for a year Nicole-Keith landed their relationship on the final train. Nicole first decided to marry Keith. Keith was the best choice for Nicole after a bitter divorce. Then in June 2006, they married in a church of Sydney.

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Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban started a new life then. It was like two lonely souls to meet each other as a companion. Nicole’s first daughter with Keith was born in 2008. They became parents of two daughters. Named Sunday and hope.

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