10 Top Secret Things Men Want to Hear From Women

10 Top Secret Things Men Want to Hear From Women

Most of my articles revolve around love romance & relationship tips. And some of the blogs I have written on men’s behaviors. But what about the expectations, desires, and feelings of men? Whole life men fulfill women’s desires. Keep her lady happy. So girls today’s blog is for you to make your men happy and smiling. Given below are the tips to make him fall in love forever. Things men want to hear from women are.

Although men are easy to handle stuff for women. But a time comes when men started feeling less focused, less respectable. And he started distracted from you. So these romantic phrases will help you to keep your men closer and closer forever.

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1. You Look Damn Handsome

Men generally praise their women. He praise her beauty, her smile, in fact, everything. In the same way, men do expect praise from the person whom he loves the most. He loves to listen to adorable romantic lines from you.

things men want to hear from women

Although he wishes to praised by someone whom he cares the most in his life. So what are you waiting for dear girls? Go ahead and say with your true feeling.

“You are handsome and dear to me. I extremely like the way you dress up. I adore your true care of yourself for me. And I love you the most.”

2. I Am Proud To Have You

Men are only driven to be a successful professional. Why men are only forced to be successful people in life? In fact, men are not a robot. They do have hearts and feelings.

things men want to hear from women

Moreover, they want to hear appreciation for his tuf effort. They try to do best in jobs, business and personal life also.

That is why the support of his women matters a lot for men. His love one’s praise is like an energy booster. So always try to make your man feel like, “you are proud of him”.

Many more things men want to hear from women are listed below.

3. I Want You In My Life

Why do men initiate love proposals first? Why should men initiate the first touch? First kiss? Don’t you think girls men want this type of initiative from yourself also??

Yes, of course, many a time man desires his girl to take the relationship step. Sometimes they love bold and confident girls most. But they do not express their desire.

things men want to hear from women

Its right time girls. Just get up, go to him and take the first move. Say openly that “you like him, you want him now and always”.

Man wants to feel like you want her. In fact, your man does not want to initiate sex always. Sometimes he wants to feel like his girl attracted to him and completes the love & sex moment.

Hmmmm I think you girl are pretty smart than you think. So try these tips to make your man proud.

4. I Love The Way You Make Me Feel Special

Generally, man feels great satisfaction to make her love girl satisfied in all aspects. He loves to listen to his caring & satisfying habits. He would love to take care of you.

And most likely love to be praised for his romantic care. So without wasting much time say him that you love the way he makes you feel special.

things men want to hear from women

Knowing that he is doing best making his girl happy. Will make him happy. And your man’s smile will keep your relationship long-lasting of course.

5. Thank You, Sweetheart

Whatever he does for you, he must receive thanks from you. Taking you for dinner date to shopping and at the doctor. You must gift your man with “THANK YOU” for big, small,& even silly care for you.

Thank You is a little word with smiling results. Your single thanks to sweetheart make him smile for day long.

6. I Trust You & Will Trust You

TRUST is the most expensive gift we can give to our man. Your man will feel extremely secure when you trust him in every aspect.

In the era of negativity everywhere, it is very easy to lose trust. And in a relationship, somewhere man feels most insecurity about his partner.

things men want to hear from women

So, girls, it is your romantic duty to make your man feel secure. Tell him that you trust him blindly. You are with him in every decision.

In this way, you will make him feel secure and trusted in love life. And some more things men want to hear from women are waiting for you.

7. You Can Trust Me Always

Trust is not a one-sided reliable duty. It is something like both the partner has to maintain it. You may assure your man that he can trust you blindly.

Make him feel safe like a best friend. That your man can trust you like a best friend. Give your man no secret, no hidden issues type atmosphere.

things men want to hear from women

And the rest will be okay in your relationship.

8. I Respect You & Your Love

Men’s most valuable thing is his dignity & respect. In fact, the man wants nothing but respect. Respect from his friends, family & colleagues.

In the case of love life, a man turned more emotional. This means respect from his love one matters more to him. The pretty girl now starts giving and showing respect to your man.

Although Your respect will work as a bridge of trust. And he would be happy by accepting respect from his princess.

9. I Will Support You 24 X 7

For men, nothing will be more satisfying than the support of his loving girl. Man finds himself safe when a woman is around him. In every good and bad situation.

Either it is starting a new business or joining a new company. What your man needs most is your support and encouragement.

So don’t forget to support him in the ups & downs of life. Always be with him if tuf & happy situation.

10. You Make Me Happy & Smiling

Last but not least man wishes to listen that his girl is happy with him. In fact, man does all the effort to make his woman smiling & happy.

It is your responsibility pretty woman to make him realize. That whatever he does for your happiness is appreciable.

Most man wants to feel wanted, respected and lovable. And luckily if you have a gentleman in your life. It is your duty to make him realize loved.

11. I Appreciate You & Will Appreciate You Always

I appreciate you is more humble gift than anything. Appreciating your man for whatever he does for you. Is something like kissing his feeling, respecting his emotion.

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Appreciation works as a pain reliever. Never feel shy to appreciate a single effort of your man. And always make him realize that you care for his effort.

things men want to hear from women

So darling girls these are the things men want to hear from women. I think I have advised you the pretty best solution. Do not wait to apply these romantic tips in your relationship. Try it once. And be happy with your man.

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