We generally consider a long-distance relationship as a failure. In fact, 70% couple fails to maintain their a long-distance relationship. And in the end, the couple gives up the relationship because of the distance. But this is not the truth at all dear lovers. Gone are the days when the couple had to wait for the postman. This is a technology era dear. Not to worry to fall in love with long-distance partners. I am giving you romantic tips to make long-distance relationships work. Skype, Google Duo, Whatsapp made romance and relationships easier. Although staying apart from your loved ones is somewhere heartbreaking.
Here is long distance relationship tips overview. Avoid extra communication, try video calls, do erotic talk. Avoid expectation, meet once a month, gift connected gifts, spend online time. Give LOVE name to your PARTNER in long distance relationship.
I know a long-distance relationship is not easy to go to. But for love, we can give our long-distance relationship a romantic chance for a happy ending. Although distance makes love life tragic, adventures and sometimes unachievable.
But love is love. How can you let your loved one go only for distance? Come with me to cherish your love life. Long-distance love is tuf to maintain but it brings surprises.
Long distance relationship tips
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1. Avoid Too Much Communication
Most of the love birds think that excessive communication is a part of love life. But this will not fit in a long-distance relationship. You need not communicate 24hrs to keep your relationship going.
Over possessiveness, extra sticky would make your love life hectic. In fact, it will make the situation disturbing and worse. So the question is how to communicate in a long-distance relationship?

The great answer is Less is More factor will work here. The less you talk more will be the craving for each other. But it does not mean to talk once in a week dear!!! Focus on quality talk rather than less or more talk.
Always try to maintain the rhythm of your love life by talking appropriately. Neither less nor more. But try to make your conversation the most intimate part, feel connected with each other through audio-video calls. More long-distance relationships tips are waiting for you.
2. Consider Your Long Distance Relationship a Life Test
Loving each other very deeply, but living apart is the most annoying part of love life. And living far with each other is very tuf when you are in true love.
So dear couple, consider your long-distance relationship as a test of love. If there is blind love between you. Nothing can apart you. Neither distance nor life challenges.

Anyways, true love has to face countless challenges. And long-distance is a somewhat very romantic life challenge. Happy to overcome it with love and emotion.
3. Make Rules To Manage Expectations
Expectations when not fulfilled. It kills relationships. Yes, lovers, it is absolutely true. So before diving in a long-distance relationship make up your mind to not expect beyond expectations.
Both of you must clear your expectations with what you will expect or not. Set some normal fulfilled type rules. So that none of you will hurt with unexpected expectation.

For instance, we will meet once a month. We will not lie to each other. We shall meet on video call on alternate days. Set rules according to your choice and priorities.
4. Communicate In Greeting Manner
Getting good morning, goodnight from someone special is a cute feeling. Every lover round the world wants “first & the last message” of his loved one. So greet your partner every day.
Do not forget to say I miss you, I love you, I am with you and so on. It will add trust and securities among you and your partner.

In fact, exchange each other selfies, short videos, sometimes audio clips too. It would make your partner feeling loved and attached.
5. Do Some Erotic Talk in long distance relationship
Sex is biological & important need for love life. Sex acts as an adhesive in a relationship. Now the thing is how to maintain “sex” in long-distance relationships?

You can keep this erotic intention alive by sending some sexy pics. In fact, you may fulfill a sexual desire by sexting. Send some teasing text with sexual desire.
6. Stay Away From Doubt Situation
Never try to indulge yourself in a situation that can create a ground of doubt between you. If you know late-night parties with friends, alcohol intake can hurt your partner.
To manage this situation either do not go to the late-night party. Or inform your partner before going. Do not be careless about the partner’s extra worrying nature.

In absence of partner do not try to hang out with “arm candy” after office hours. Stay away from X partners if any. This may worst situation
7. Do Some Similar Things in long distance relationship
Living apart always from the one whom we care about, sometimes hurt more. So what to do to sort out this problem?? I have a cute suggestion for you love birds.
Try something creative stuff to feel connected. Apply the same caller tune. Try to wear the same color dress on Sunday. Watch the same movies at the same time on Netflix.

Sometime sit under sky and see the moon, count the twinkling stars. No matter you are far from each other. But moon and stars are the same for you.
8. Love Each Other Once A Month
Meeting and greeting, in reality, has an adorable feeling for long-distance couples. For how much time you will manage your love life in the virtual world.
Just ditch the video call, audio call, and long chatting. Make time at least once in a month to meet, greet and make love with each other.

After long waiting just meet fulfill your romantic desire. By holding, kissing, hugging & cuddling & so on. Make your moment special, memorable and extra intimate.
9. Stay Trustworthy & Decent For Each Other
Secret Key to continue the long-distance relationship is trust. Do not hide your insecurities, jealousy, fear of losing love, Some secrets. It may create a problem in your love life sooner or later.
There is no space for keeping secrets in the relationship. Secrets may ruin your long-distance relationship. Discuss your secret, insecurities with a partner.

And try to deal with this stuff together. Be honest and transparent with each other. Never deal with these things alone. Let your partner help you, support you, understand you.
It would be better to look at problems in the initial stage. Only trust and dececent behavior can keep running your long-distance relationship forever. I think these tips to make a long distance relationships work is helping you to gain the idea.
10. Friendly With Each Other Timing
It is very important to know each other timing. When your partner stays in office, meeting time, free schedule. So that it would be easy for you to text or make calls in an appropriate time.
Because you do not wish to disturb the partner’s concentration. During office hours or class timing. That is why knowing each other busy or free schedule would be helpful to carry on love life. Although living apart.
Knowing the forthcoming events of your long-distance partner. Like college exams, interviews, office meetings, the official tour will help you to keep pace with his life.

And it is very essential to manage time according to the partner’s schedule. Time managing will not allow developing the wrong conception between you & partner.
For instance, sometimes we consider that he/she is ignoring my calls, messages. But that is not right. Maybe he/she is busy in college or office.
So we should be understandable in a long-distance relationship.
11. Gift Keep Connected Things
Gift works as remembering the one who has gifted it. The gift holds the power of feeling. So surprise your long-distance partner with auspicious gifts. Give perfume to feel your smell whenever your partner uses it.
Daily use items keep connected you with each other. Like watches, clothes, keychain, ring reminds memories related to you. In long-distance relationship we try to feel, remember our love one.

And we wish to store memories in the gift. As it reminds us of our partner whenever we use it. So the gift means too much affection, connected feelings. It holds simplicity which means a lot more to your partner.
12. Gift Yourself To Him/Her
Hmmm so gift yourself means?? Gifting my self in a packet to my partner!! No dear it does not mean you, yourself. It means gift handwritten diary, letters, and sometime postcard.
Although it sounds outdated but your handwritten gifts hold your own value. In exhaust moments we wish to stay away sometime from technology. And at this time your letter, diary postcard will help your partner to shed down the frustration.

And feel you and your words around you. It would work as stress buster. And of course, keep your bond stronger.
13. Video Call is oxygen in long distance relationship
Thanks to Google Duo, Skype and Whatsapp video call services. Video call has become a lifeline for the long-distance couple. Try to make a video call whenever possible.
Watching each other is like feeling each other although you are living miles away. Looking into one another eyes holds a great feeling for lovers.

In fact, video call works as a power booster for long-distance love birds. It feels like you are around him/her. Sometimes you see the partner’s smile. Sometime you can feel his/her pain.
So video call is a great love teacher to keep you connected.
14. Give Love Name To Your Partner
Calling your partner with the pet name given by you has some special feelings. Because it sounds cute and romantic. Your loved one loves to hear pet name. It gives a feeling of someone special.
So give your long-distance partner a romantic pet name like Honey, Sweety, Cutie, Baby Doll, Darling, etc.
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CONCLUSION on Long Distance Relationship tips
Love is love. No matter we are miles away from our true love. A long-distance relationship does not mean to give up because of the distance. In fact, long-distance love teach us patience, compromise, affection, time management. We do everything to stay in love with a long-distance partner.
And in the end when the relationship reaches to final destination of marriage. The feelings are like winning the OSCAR AWARD in LOVE. Do not fear to fall in a long-distance relationship. Just dive in it. To feel adventurous love. I hope my long-distance relationship tips would work for you, dear. See you in the next LOVE TIPS.