Love Story: The Story of Love


Love is one’s true destiny, the reason to live, to grow and to succeed. Love is the answer to all you questions, the master key to open the gates to happiness.

Love is what I will like to call it, a positive psychology.

The first ever love story in the west of Adam and Eve is the perfect example of a healthy, resilient and loving relationship we all crave.

Evolution of Love Over Time

  1. Definition of Love
  2. Origin Of Word Love
  3. Evolution of Love Over Time
  4. Love Story Based on Culture

4.1 Love Story in HINDU MYTHOLOGY

4.2 Love Story in CHRISTIANITY

4.3 Love Story in ISLAM

4.4 Love Story in GREEK MYTHOLOGY

4.4.1 Love story PARIS AND HELENA





5.1 S. Lewis

5.2 Louis de Bernières


















8.1 Wuthering Heights Love Story

8.2 Anna Karenina Love Story

8.3 Romeo and Juliet Love Story

8.4 Casablanca Love Story

8.5 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Love Story



Definition of Love

Scientifically, love is described as an emotion of interpersonal affection and a mental state where positivity and pleasure can be experienced.

Love is a feeling of strong attraction and attachment. Love can also be described as a virtue of human kindness, and compassion.

Video Credit: Alan Becker

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With numerous cultures and countries in the world today, the origin and meaning of love can also be understood by looking into a number of sources.

When you search for the word love it first appears in the story of Abraham and his beloved son Isaac.


After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here am I.” He said, Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you. (Genesis 22:1–2)

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

These passages belong together — calling back-and-forth to each other for a reason. God gave us a human story of a father sacrificing his only son so we would understand His great sorrow when sacrificing His only Son whom He loved.

The word love was saved for this crucial moment to describe the love of a father for his only son. Abraham prefigures God the Father as he takes his son to Mount Moriah for the sacrifice.

Origin Of Word Love

The origin of the word is not very clear. It can be said to originate from any of the following origins

  • Old English Lufu, meaning feeling of love or sexual attraction.
  • Proto Germanic, lubo
  • Old High German, liubi meaning joy.
  • German, Liebe, meaning love
  • Old Norse, Old Frisian and Dutch, lof
  • German, Lob, meaning praise
  • Old Saxon, liof
  • Old Frisian, liaf
  • Gothic, liufs, meaning dear and beloved


  • Agape – Means love in modern day Greek, but in ancient times referred to a pure love without sexual connotations.
  • Eros – Includes passionate love full of desire and longing
  • Philia – Mentioned by Aristotle, meant a dispassionate, virtuous and unselfish love
  • Xenia- Includes hospitality, and refers to a type of love most would consider charity or giving.

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Evolution of Love Over Time

Love over a long period of time has seen different eras of evolution. From being introduced as love for gods by the ancient Greek to the husband wife love by the Christianity it has grown on a tremendous rate.

Earlier before the Christian era the Greek concept of love was that before people came to world, they were served in half by the gods.

Aristrophanes described love as an individual yearning to find the other person from whom he/she was separated by the gods.

Life without the synthesis of the two parts of the same person would be “shallow and incomplete”.

When they finally found each other, their souls would climb a ladder, which was necessary to liberate themselves from their dependence on only one body.

When they reach the top of the ladder the couple’s soul would be complete by the unification.

This love continued for thousands of years before the idea of a man and a woman being in love and not submerging themselves to the god could be accepted.

In the Middle Ages, humans developed courtly love in Europe. It meant that the male lover would serve his lady and the lady would be faithful to him.

This turned men into their knights and women leading a royal life of being loved immensely by their male counterparts.

This changed during the late 1800s when the German poets introduced the romantic kind of love. It was believed that when love and unity of souls occurred, the skies would smile in unison with the feeling of true and pure love.

Although the concepts of love are different in different eras they look forward to the same set of words which is, unification, connection and soul.

In the modern and the post-modern era love has changed its style but the essence still remains the same.

Love is now divided between age groups. Modern society has started to become increasingly complex and heterogeneous – and it continues to do so.

Specific spheres for specific functional problems started to emerge, fostering the development of modern science, the money-based economy, and a mass-mediated public sphere.

At the same time, a specific sphere of privacy and intimacy emerged. And romantic love was and still is an essential part of it.

Love is therefore not a universal experience that has always been part of human life with an added erotic fun and sexual aspect in undisciplined terms.

Love Story Based on Culture



According to the Hindu mythology Brahma, the creator of the universe created the first ever man and woman named Manu and Shatrupa respectively.

The Brahma Purana declares “To continue with Creation, Brahma gave form to a Man and a Woman.The man was Swayambhu Manu and the Woman was named Shatrupa. Humans are descended from Manu, that is the reason they are known as Manusya.

When Brahma created Shatarupa, he was immediately infatuated and pursued her wherever she went.

Shatarupā moved in various directions to avoid his gaze but wherever she went, Brahmā developed another head until he had four, one for each direction of the compass.

Desperate, Shatarupa leaped over him to stay out of his gaze even for a moment.

At this moment Shiva appeared, determined that since Shatarupā was Brahma’s daughter (being created by him), it was wrong and merged into devi Parvati and formed the Ardhanarishvara, translated as “half-man and half-woman god.

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Shiva told Brahma that males and females are both the same as their souls are exactly the same, and the soul doesn’t have a gender only material. The outer body is different only because of different body parts.

Shatarupa married Svayambhuva Manu and had five children — two sons, Priyavrata and Uttānapāda, and three daughters, Ākūti, Devahūti and Prasuti.


The Western counterparts of Brahma’s Manu and Shatrupa are Adam and Eve. Believed to be the first ever humans on earth.

The story goes as this: Adam and Eve were sent by god in the Garden of Eden with no knowledge and understanding.

But then they ate the forbidden fruit and hence acquired the materialistic knowledge of the world when both fell in love with each other and started the human race. We are all believed to be their descendants.

I have no doubt they cherished one another in spirit and flesh and were adoring and caring for one another in life as in death.

They exemplified all men and women relations and our ability to rise above and stay committed to each other for life in LOVE everlasting.

Love Story in ISLAM

We generally do not associate romantic love with the Prophet we little people know that his story is the most exemplary love story in the history.

Their story began when the Prophet saw a dream in which an angel presented ‘Aa’ishah to him, covered in a silken piece of cloth; thus, Allaah revealed to him that she was to be his wife.

When the Prophet told Abu Bakr of this, Abu Bakr sent ‘Aa’ishah with some dates for him (so that the Prophet may see her). When the Prophet received the dates, he told her to tell her father the dates tasted sweet – mashaa’allaah.

As perceptive as six-year old ‘Aa’ishah was, she immediately understood that he meant he was pleased with her. At that time, their marriage contract was made;however, their marriage was not consummated until about three years later, which was after the Hijra.

The Prophet demonstrated what love is in his attitudes toward his wife. He was not afraid to show his love for his beloved in public. In the hadith quoted at the beginning of the article, the Prophet publicly acknowledged ‘Aa’ishah as the most beloved person to him.

He used to call her by the nickname “Aish”, as lovers  do.

When they ate together, the Prophet would grab a piece of meat and feed ‘Aa’ishah then eat from the same place she had eaten from.

He would also do so with a cup – he would grab the cup and feed her, then drink from the spot where she had put her lips.As the Prophet had demonstrated, love is caring, kindness and also understanding.

After this beautiful story every other love story seems to pale in comparison; no other love story can even begin to compare to this paramount of all love stories.

From who else but the Prophet can we see true love expressed in such beautiful and halaal ways?


Greek mythology holds the maximum number of love stories.


The love story begins with the Trojan prince Paris being chosen to decide which of three goddesses – Hera, Athena and Aphrodite – is the fairest.

He chose Aphrodite because in return she promised him the most beautiful woman in the world. And the most beautiful woman was Helen of Sparta who, however, was married to King Menelaus.

A few years later, Paris went to Sparta and took Helen to Troy by which he triggered the Trojan War. Paris was mortally wounded during the fall of Troy, while Helen returned to her husband in Sparta.


The ancient Greek mythological hero Orpheus is best known for his beautiful music which charmed everyone, even the stones and wild beasts. But he is also known for his deep love for his wife Eurydice.

When she died from a snake bite, Orpheus decided to go to the Underworld and bring her back.

With his music, he charmed the gods of the Hades and they allowed him to take Eurydice back with him.

But he was told he must not look back until they escape the Underworld.

When they reached the portals of Hades, Orpheus turned back to see if Eurydice is following him and she immediately disappeared back in the world of the dead.


The love between the Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra and Mark Antony went into history for their tragic end. Both committed suicide after they were defeated by the Romans under Octavian (the later Augustus) although Cleopatra hesitated.

After Mark Antony’s suicide (he stabbed himself after receiving a false news that his lover was dead), Cleopatra tried to negotiate with Octavian.

According to most sources, she killed herself by inducing an asp to bite her when she realised that she cannot “charm” Octavian.

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Cleopatra and Mark Antony are said to be buried together but the location of their tomb remains a mystery.


Love story of Tristan and Iseult has been popularized in the 12th century France. It is thought to be inspired by an older Celtic legend.

There are several versions of the story about the adulterous lovers but they all more or less follow the same outline.

Tristan and Iseult who is supposed to marry Tristan’s uncle King Mark ingest a love potion and fell madly in love on their way to Cornwall.

Iseult marries King Mark but the love potion makes the lovers unable to resist each other. They pursue their affair until they are finally caught by Iseult’s husband.

They manage to escape death but Iseult is forced to return to Mark.

Tristan leaves Cornwall and marries another woman named Iseult. But when he is mortally wounded by a poison lance, he calls for his only true love.

The story ends with Tristan dying of despair, convinced that Iseult does not want to come to him, while Iseult dies of grief after finding her lover dead.


S. Lewis, who was a very wise man, in The Four Loves

“There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal.

Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless – it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, and irredeemable.

The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.”

Louis de Bernières in “Corelli’s Mandolin

“Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.

Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don’t blush, I am telling you some truths.

That is just being “in love”, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.”

`Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of `Abdu’l-Bahá v3

Love is the mystery of divine revelations! Love is the effulgent manifestation! Love is the spiritual fulfilment! Love is the light of the Kingdom! Love is the breath of the Holy Spirit inspired into the human spirit! Love is the cause of the manifestation of the Truth (God) in the phenomenal world!.

Love is the necessary tie proceeding from the realities of things through divine creation!”


“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”


jin prem keyo tin hee prab paeyo”  – “Only those who have love, will attain God” 



Anne Boleyn is one of many women who changed the course of history. She is remembered as the cause of Henry VIII’s divorce from his wife of more than 20 years, Catherine of Aragon.

Though some historians have come to believe that the Tudor monarch’s plans to leave his wife started long before he met Boleyn and were rooted in the King’s need to produce a male heir.

Still, Henry VIII’s desire to marry Boleyn was a key factor in another historic break the decision to separate from the Catholic Church and establish the Church of England.

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Henry petitioned Rome for an annulment from Catherine and permission to marry Boleyn, even though the Catholic Church took a strict stance against divorce.

The pope naturally refused, sparking a chain of events that led Henry in 1533 to break with the Catholic church and declare himself the head of a new Protestant Church of England.


You might know that Prince Edward VIII abdicated his throne for Wallis Simpson, an American socialite and divorcee. The two met in the early 1930s, after Wallace’s first divorce and just before Prince Edward became King of England.

She became his mistress, according to historians, even though she was not yet divorced from her second husband, shipping magnate Ernest Simpson.

The Church of England wouldn’t allow the marriage, nor would Edward’s advisers or the English people. Still, Edward was determined to marry Simpson and chose to abdicate the throne.

Until recently, most of history focused on the romantic part of the story.

In truth, Edward’s marriage to Simpson might have side-stepped an alliance that would have changed the outcome of World War II.

A recently-authorized biography of the would-be ruler revealed that the Prince of Wales had a close alliance to the Nazis and was key to a plot by Hitler to invade England and establish a puppet regime with Edward on the throne.


When Marie Sklodowska wed Pierre Curie in 1895, the couple embarked on an extraordinary partnership that would earn them international renown and influence generations of scientists.

Born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867, the brilliant Marie received degrees in physical sciences and mathematics from the Sorbonne in Paris.

In 1894 she met Pierre Curie, a noted French physicist and chemist eight years her senior. The pair immediately bonded over their mutual interest in magnetism and fondness for cycling, and a year later they were married.

Looking for a subject for her doctoral thesis and intrigued by the physicist Henri Becquerel’s accidental discovery of radioactivity in 1896, Marie Curie began studying uranium rays; soon, Pierre joined her in her research.

In 1898, a year after the arrival of their daughter Irène, the Curies discovered polonium—named after Marie’s homeland—and radium. In 1902 they successfully isolated radioactive radium salts from the mineral pitchblende.

The following year, the couple shared the Nobel Prize in physics with Becquerel for their groundbreaking work on radioactivity.

In 1904 Marie gave birth to a second daughter and Pierre was appointed to the chair of physics at the Sorbonne. Two years later, he was killed in an accident on a Paris street.

Although devastated, Marie vowed to continue her work and was appointed to her husband’s seat at the Sorbonne, becoming the university’s first female professor.

She later grew interested in the medical applications of radioactive substances, including the potential of radium as a cancer therapy, and directed the Radium Institute at the University of Paris, a major centre for chemistry and nuclear physics.

Marie died in 1934 from leukaemia caused by four decades of exposure to radioactive substances. Irène Curie carried on the family tradition, sharing the 1935 Nobel Prize for chemistry with her own husband for their discovery of artificial radioactivity.


James Obergefell and John Arthur fell in love at a time when U.S. laws surrounding gay marriage were unclear and varied.

When the Supreme Court struck down the Defence of Marriage Act in 2013, the Ohio couple decided to go ahead and get married, even though Arthur was, by then, very ill with lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Obergefell and Arthur had a small ceremony in Maryland, where same-sex marriage had been declared legal, and returned home. Arthur died three months later. Following Arthur’s death, Obergefell petitioned to have his name listed as Arthur’s husband on his death certificate.

That seemingly simple act, led to a June’s landmark Supreme Court decision that declared bans on gay marriage to be unconstitutional in the United States.



On Valentine’s Day, women wear their hearts on their sleeves, quite literally. The practice is said to come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia that took place on Feb. 15 and is thought to be a predecessor of Valentine’s Day.

At that festival, goats were sacrificed and men ran through the streets wearing the goat skins, whipping women to bless them with fertility.

In another ceremony, girls’ names were placed in a box, from which boys would choose one name; each couple would be paired until the next Lupercalia.

The modern South African version owes more to that ritual: On Valentine’s Day, women pin the names of their sweethearts to their sleeves. Occasionally, this is how men discover they have secret admirers.


The Morozoff confectionery and cake company is credited with bringing the western holiday to Japan when it placed a Valentine’s Day ad in 1936.

The holiday finally took off in the 1970s, but with a twist: In Japan, it is a day for women to give chocolates to the men in their lives, not vice versa.

A lot of thought goes into the right amount to give each man, and whether it should be cheap giri choko (“obligation chocolate”) given to co-workers and classmates, or the nicer honmei choko(“true feeling chocolate”) presented to one’s object of affection.

Japanese women finally saw payback with the rise of “White Day” in the 1980s. Exactly one month after Valentine’s Day, on March 14, men reciprocate with white chocolates or other small gifts.


South Korea celebrates Valentine’s Day like Japan, but more so. On Feb. 14, women give men chocolates and then the men reciprocate a month later. But things get more interesting—or sad, depending on your perspective—on April 14.

That’s “Black Day,” when those who were left out of the February and March festivities go out for a dish of jajagmyeon, or black bean-paste noodles. Still, singles have plenty of other opportunities to make up for missed romance. The 14th of every month is a love-related holiday in South Korea: Candle Day, Valentine’s Day, White Day, Black Day, Rose Day, Kiss Day, Silver Day, Green Day, Music Day, Wine Day, Movie Day, and Hug Day.


On Sept. 20, Colombians celebrate Love and Friendship Day (Dia de Amor y Amistad), which is essentially an equivalent to Valentine’s Day.

But Love and Friendship Day is less romantic and more about friendship. Groups of friends typically get together for dinner or drinks and games of “secret friend,” similar to “secret Santa,” are commonplace.

Think of this day as more like a “Galentine’s Day” (thanks, Parks and Recreation).


Barcelonians take the celebration of World Book Day very seriously, evening adding a romantic element to the holiday.

On April 23, Catalonians celebrate Sant Jordi day, when men receive the gift of books and women the gift of roses. So people can more easily find gifts for their friends and loved ones–and spur the local economy–book and flower stalls are set up around the city.


The town of Lisdoonvarna in Ireland has a rich tradition of matchmaking. The town is known for its mineral spas, which people have been flocking to since the 1800s; it became common to meet one’s match while visiting the spas.

Locals began pursuing the vocation of matchmaking, working with bachelors to find them a wife. Today, the only true matchmaker left is Willie Daly.

He still lives next to the 300-year-old cottage where he was born in the 1940s (his exact birthdate is unknown) and he keeps a book of profiles.

People seek out his assistance, particularly during September’s matchmaking festival, in the hopes that he will find their match.

The weeks-long matchmaking festival, the largest singles event in Europe, includes daily dance parties and exhibitions of traditional Irish culture.


People in the Philippines take Valentine’s Day to its natural conclusion…and then some. In recent years mass wedding celebrations have become hugely popular.

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More than 1,500 couples, all dressed in white, were married in a free ceremony in the Manila suburb of Caloocan City, in 2010.

Three years later, the country saw about 4,000 couples married in Valentine’s Day mass weddings.

The Philippines also indulges in another, shorter-term celebration of the day of love: kissing.

On Valentine’s Day 2004, 5,122 couples in Manila broke the world record for the number of couples to simultaneously kiss for 10 seconds; they took the record from Santiago, Chile.


It’s pretty common the world over to give flowers for Valentine’s Day; in Denmark it’s customary to send loved ones little white flowers called ‘snowdrops.’ But the Danish also have the tradition of gaekkebrev (basically, “joke letters”).

gaekkebrev is a funny poem or love letter written on a piece of paper that’s been cut with an intricate pattern. At the bottom of the letter, the sender puts little dots, one for each letter of his or her name.

If the recipient guesses the sender’s identity, the sender owes the recipient an Easter egg on Easter Sunday. If they can’t figure it out within three guesses, the sender is owed the egg.


Wuthering Heights Love Story

In one of the oldest heart-wrenching classics in the “lost love can turn a good man evil” scenario, Emily Brontë’s novel takes us back to 1802 at the Wuthering Heights estate.

In this timeless love story, our leading man Heathcliff grows to become best friends with his adopted sister, Catherine, his life-long crush. But an offhand comment, overheard at the Heights, changes the course of both of their lives.

Romantic quote:

“My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Healthcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.” 

Fun fact: The 1983 Bonnie Tyler power ballad “Total Eclipse of the Heart” was inspired by Wuthering Heights.

Anna Karenina Love Story

Frequently a top author’s choice, this Leo Tolstoy novel is a literary soap opera. Set in the highest circles of Russian society, Anna Karenina visits her brother Stiva in Moscow to help him save his marriage. While there, she falls in love with Count Vronsky.

A married woman, Karenina fights off her desires until they overwhelm her and she leaves her husband, Alexei. Denied a divorce, Anna spends her life looking for acceptance in her relationship.

When the strain of their love life becomes too much, Anna leaves Vronsky in a rage and, well… if you haven’t read it, do! We won’t give away a heart-wrenching ending.

Romantic quote: “I’ve always loved you, and when you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be.” 

Fun fact: Anna Karenina became a best-seller all over again in 2004 after Oprah put it on her list.

Romeo and Juliet Love Story

In one of William Shakespeare’s most celebrated works, this tale of “star-crossed lovers” has been told and interpreted time and time again (from film classic West Side Story to teen flick Romeo + Juliet).

A story all lovers can relate to, Romeo and Juliet focuses on the tragedies that accompany the loss of true love.

Lovers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two of the most famed clans in literature, come from opposite sides of the Verona tracks and their family’s disapproval of their love eventually leads to their demise.

Romantic quote: “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” 

Fun fact: In the popular computer game The Sims 2, there is a neighborhood called Veronaville in which two characters named Romeo Monty and Juliette Capp fall in love.

Casablanca Love Story

Made famous by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, this love story was originally a play by Murray Burnett. The play was turned into a script by writers (and brothers) Julius and Philip Epstein and their friend Howard Koch.

In the story, American Rick Blaine is the owner of a gambling club “Rick’s Cafe Americain” in the Moroccan city of Casablanca. Set during World War II, Rick is a bitter man having been scorned by ex-lover Ilsa Lund.

When she walks back into his life suddenly, now married, with her husband in tow, Rick is forced to come face-to-face with well-aged heartache.

Romantic quote: 

“Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time.”

Fun fact: In a 2005 poll by the American Film Institute, the Casablanca line “Here’s looking at you, kid” was ranked the fifth most memorable line in cinema history. (Six other lines from the film are also in the top 100.)

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream Love Story

A romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, this play takes place in Athens as Duke Theseus plans a large festival around his marriage. During this time, Theseus’ daughter, Hermia, is refusing to marry her fiancé.

Due to a true-love-in-the-wings named Lysander.

Against her father’s wishes, she flees the nuptials for the woods. And guess what? While there, they befriend fairies who cause a bit of mischief. Cue a new love triangle and surprise ending!

Romantic quote

“I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well.” 

Fun fact: In the 1989 blockbuster film Dead Poets’ Society, the character Neil Perry (played by Robert Sean Leonard), was cast as Puck in the a local production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.



  •  It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.
  •  When Two Lovers Gaze At Each Other’s’ Eyes, Their Heart Rates Synchronise.
  •  Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine.
  • Cuddling triggers the same neurological reaction as taking painkillers.
  • Consciously trying to keep a new relationship secret heightens romantic feelings for each other.
  •  People with high self-esteem have longer and more successful relationships
  • A flower worn over the left ear in Hawaii signifies that a woman is no longer single.
  • Women find men more interesting when they get attention from other women.


Hence no Great Future Love Story?

Many of us are used to meeting and flirting with others through apps, using technology to connect ourselves to people outside of our everyday social circles. But advances in technology are about to transform every step of our love lives.

A new wave of designs will not only enhance your pleasure, but also make sex an interactive experience with your partner – whether they happen to be on the other side of the room, or the other side of the world.

Experts predict that future generations will be getting intimate with the help of VR headsets, holograms, high-tech dolls and erotic robots.

The technologies we’re building today could throw some current relationship fundamentals for a loop.

The concept of marriage is based on a vow: “Until death do we part.” But what if scientists find a way for humans to never die? Or at the very least, for their life expectancy to drastically increase?

And what if you could pick the perfect genetics for the happiest, healthiest baby possible. Would women still get pregnant? Would people still have sex?

In the future, we’ll be quantifying not only ourselves but our relationships. “The use of wearable technologies bleeding over into the way we interact with each other,” .

“Sex and relationships are fertile new frontiers for measurement. Big data provides insights into why relationships work and fail.”

The movie Her depicts a man falling in love with an advanced operating system. It sounds sci-fi, but it is believed that sentient artificially intelligent entities could start to compete for our affections.

There are also going to be more physical sex surrogates to take care of our needs. Men in Japan already have virtual girlfriends.

LOVE is not just an emotion. It is a feeling, a desire, a way of living and an easy way to understand oneself. Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy. Love can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats.

Love can make you happier than you’ve ever been, sadder than you’ve ever been, angrier than you’ve ever been. It can elate you and deflate you almost at the same time.

While we can all pretty much recognise the emotions associated with love, actually finding the words to explain those feelings is a pretty tough order.

People have searched for centuries to find the right way to say “I love you” and to try to explain those butterflies in your stomach, that warm fuzzy feeling in your belly and that heart skipping a beat.

One thing we DO know is that  whether you’ve love and won — or loved and lost, it’s ALWAYS worth it.

What do you Think About Love ?

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