10 Romantic Promises For Couple Before Marriage

10 Romantic Promises For Couple Before Marriage

The pillars of marriage are strong between two souls which unites them and are beautiful to be kept forever. Each day the bond has to be made more strong and exciting. And for this, there are certain levels of commitment that every relationship has to make to stay long and fresh forever. The best relationship in this world after parents is between husband and wife which has to be pure and full of promises. So I have brought 10 romantic promises for couple before marriage.

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10 romantic promises for couple

Generally couple scared of commitment. But marriage is not a horrible relationship to scared of it. It is a romantic feeling,true commitment to dive within it. So if you are going to get married than some adorable promises  are waiting for you. These promises must be honest and you should be loyal towards them.Here we go!!

1.I will always value you

  Many men after marriage take their wives for granted and take them as furniture just to be kept in a room.

 ? So promise her that I will value you always and will always fell in love with you at every point of my life.10 romantic promises for couple

2.I will help you

 ? Not because she is a woman she should be solely responsible for the household or daily chores. You should help her and divide the work.

 ? I promise to divide all the work and will always help you when needed.

3.I will respect you forever

Be it in front of friends or family I will never ill-treat you.

 ?  Promise her to always stand beside her in all ups and downs and promise to respect her. Give respect and you will automatically get respect and love.10 romantic promises for couple

4.I will make you comfortable always

You can never take care of her like she takes care of your family but at least tries to make her feel special.

 ?  Promise her to make her feel comfortable in both bad and good days of her life.

5.I will take you as my priority always

Earlier when she was your girlfriend she was your first priority but after marriage why everything isn’t the same?

 ?  Make her your first priority even after marriage. Her happiness and care should always be first on your list.10 romantic promises for couple

6.I will always compliment you

Whether anything happens or not you will always be the most beautiful girl on this planet for me.

 ? Make her realize this that in her bad and good phase of life she will still be the prettiest girl. This can encourage her in all aspects of life.

7.I will always take mutual decisions

Her agreements and disagreements should be a matter of concern for you always.

 ? Even after marriage, you should not take any decision without her consent. Life after marriage is already a mutual agreement so all decisions too should be mutual.10 romantic promises for couple

8.I will always take care of your parents too

Like your parents are your responsibility after marriage her parents too should be your responsibility.

 ?  Promise her to always stand by her parents in the phases of life. Just like she count your parents as her own give her comfort by calling her parents yours.

9.I will never leave you alone

 ? Promise her to always stay by her side and never leave her alone.

 ? In her happiness be her part but in her sadness divide her pains.  ? Give your shoulders to her to cry and lean on to relax.

10.I will respect your professional decisions

Her work should also be given importance after all she is the independent women on this era.

 ? Promise her you will always treat her work as important as yours. Give respect to all her professional decisions and support and guide her in touch times.

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I hope you enjoyed my blog of 10 romantic promises for couple. More love tips are waiting for you. Keep reading and fall in love with your partner again and again.

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