10 (Romantic Signs) He Loves You Madly & He is the One

10 (Romantic Signs) He Loves You Madly & He is the One

What is the most confusing question of a girl’s life? I know, many questions have started popping up in your mind. I think LOVE is the most confusing question. Is it not is? He loves me, he loves me not? He is the one or not? I know you are in a relationship for so long. But still, you are not sure about his secret feelings. Whether he loves you truly or not? After spending much time together, you started taking him as true love. So to solve the confusion of your mind. I have brought secret romantic ideas for you lovely lady. Signs he is the one who loves you madly.

If he understands you, behaves more than best friend, does things for your happiness and gives you mutual support. Then he is the one loves you. If he gives you space, time. Congratulation ! you found soulmate. He is the only one for you.


I know girls, you may face this dilemma once or twice in a lifetime. Well, the dilemma is common in love life. Not to worry. I know you wish to be sure about moving forward in life with the man.

Okay, come with me. I am telling you some cute gestures of man. It will help you to know the secret love of your prince charming.

I have written the ABCD of LOVE. If your partner falls under this ABCD, he could be your dream lover and soulmate. You are looking for it.


sign he is the one who loves you

A: Always try to understand

“If he is an understanding man”

What if he understands you and your untold feelings? He feels your wishes and desires very deeply. This means your man is understanding. And loves you very deeply.

Understanding is the basic foundation of a strong relationship. If your man has this quality for you. Then you are quite lucky in love. A good understanding lover will always support you.

According to a survey, 76% of the women prefer an understanding partner over an attractive one.

It simply means that looks, financial security, status, etc are a secondary demand of love. Understanding comes on a primary level. So if he is always ready to understand you, he might be the one you should spend the rest of your life with.

B: Behave as best friend, then he is the one

“He is your Best Friend!”

If I will give you two options to choose from. Whom will you choose from a best or a lover? In most of the cases, we choose best friend over a lover. Because we can trust childhood friends easily.

If your loverboy is a best friend more than a lover. That means he cares you, respects you and understands you of course. What do you wish in your love life? Of course, prince charming treats you like a childhood friend.

signs he is the one who loves you

Because friendship is stronger than the love bond. In fact, we share our feeling of love with a best friend then lover. And we all expect a best friend feeling in our love life also.

If your man has this BEST FRIEND for you. It is a clear sign then he loves you truly. Great your love bond is going to perfect now.

A best friend factor is cutely important to exist in a partner. After all, a best friend is that one person we rely on after our families. Is not it a great feeling? Life partner with a friend forever quality.

C: Compatibility is unnatural –

If you have great compatibility with him”

We have heard of many wrong conceptions in a relationship. Along with this, we have many myths about love. You must have heard of – “Opposite attracts very fast”. But it applied to magnets only, not humans.

Compatibility or similarity is the key to a successful relationship. Togetherness plays a great role in your love life. If your man loves to be close to you. Your presence keeps him calm.

No matter how opposite or similar you are with your man. His compatible behavior is the sign of true love for you. Now don’t start buzzing towards compatibility tests or quizzes. If he is comfortable with you.

Then go and fall in love with him again and again.

D: Does cute things for your happiness

Your happiness means a lot for him

Big fancy dinner dates or expensive gifts don’t make a man worthy. Little things matter in a relationship. If he spends full maximum time talking to you while you are upset, even when he is tired. It’s a clear green signal for you to know that he is the one loves you.

He remembers your small likes and dislikes. Even little things that belong to your happiness mean a lot to him. Such little things tells a lot about a person and his feelings towards you.

signs he is the one who loves you

Even if he is too busy at work, he makes small efforts for your happiness. It simply means that you are his priority. And he has great feelings for you in a corner of his heart.



E: Mutual Supports

“Even a little effort counts a lot”

A relationship comes under the give and takes situation. When you don’t get what you give, it brings lots of disappointments. So if a man puts efforts into a relationship exactly the way you desire, he is the one for sure.

Just like a two-wheeled vehicle cannot function without mutual support. A relationship couldn’t last without mutual efforts. So if he tries hard to make your relationship work exactly the way you do, he is absolutely worthy of your love.

I think I may be solving your confusion on the love question. I have written signs he is the one who loves you truly only for you dear girls.

F: Feels like home – “

If he feels like a home to you”

Home is the most comfortable place on earth. Staying with him gives you feeling like a home. This means he is the one God had created for you. Now, what does “home” mean in love life? When you are sad or happy or excited, he is the first person you wish to meet.

Even if you are completely devastated, his love acts like shelter all the time. His love gives you a feeling of protection from all kinds of discomfort.

These aren’t just cinematic lines. In fact, real-life experiences from various happy couples. Do not you think these signs he is the one who loves you have solved approx 50% of your love queries?

G: He is the one gives you own space

He cares about your personal time

Personal space is what everyone requires. No matter how close you are with your partner. Everyone needs a ME time. If he respects your personal space.

And never interrupts it and gives you needed space. There is a time when you just want to be alone with your inner self.

signs he is the one who loves you

It is a perfect sign of a persons maturity. And if he is mature enough to understand your need of time. Then what are you waiting for dear? Go with him for a forever love ride.

When your partner understands your personal space. He is a man you can have a lovely future with. Nothing can be more charming than a man who lets you be yourself.

H: Having a future with him sounds romantic

Imagine him as a life partner brings a smile

The thought of having a future with him doesn’t give you anxiety. If that is so, he is absolutely the one for you. Whenever you imagine spending life with him, it sounds like a perfect life for you.

You can simply imagine how your life is gonna be with him. If it scared the hell out of you, he is not made for you at all. Otherwise, he is the only prince charming you are waiting for.

I: Involves into your dreams & interests

Does your dreams & interests matter to him? If the answer is yes, then you are more important in his life than you imagine.

When your man tries to like a sport you love, eats a food you crave, listen to a music you admire the most, he may be the one.

If he supports you with all his heart in order to help you achieve your dreams. Then he is a suitable choice for you. No other man could love you more than a man who cares about your dreams. Are not these signs he is the one who loves you truly sufficient dear?

A very famous Indian boxer Mary Kom was able to win gold medals after marriage only because her husband supported in every way possible.

J: Jealousy is what he handles with style

Jealousy is a very common human tendency and it exists in a relationship also. But if your guy is cool enough to handle his jealousy with style. Then without wasting time do commitment with him. It is often seen that unhealthy jealousy leads to a broken relationship.

A worthy man isn’t the one who never gets jealous. But the one who knows how to handle his possessive. Cute little jealousy is a sign of love but an unhealthy one is a danger sign.

The Final Words on he is the one loves you truly

These were some of the most common signs that can help you assure whether he is the one for you. But at the end of the day, it’s your own call. Only you can decide if he is the one. When you will get your Mr.Right, you can feel it from the core of your heart. From my writing, I am just trying to solve your romantic confusion. These signs he is the one who loves you will lead you somewhere. So that you decide a perfect man for you.

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